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Asaf Navot: Revolutionizing the Letting Industry with Tech Innovations

Asaf Navot | Founder | Home Made | CXO INC Magazine | Business Magazine

Introduction: In an era dominated by technological advancements, it is surprising that the letting industry has remained stagnant for decades. With little innovation, a lack of customer focus, exorbitant costs, and a reputation for bad practices and opaqueness, the traditional letting industry is ripe for disruption. Enter Home Made, a pioneering company on a mission to “fix renting for good. Forever.” By harnessing the power of technology, Home Made is transforming the letting industry, making it better, safer, and fairer for all parties involved.

A vital industry left unreformed 

The letting industry has long been plagued by various issues that have left both landlords and tenants dissatisfied. For starters, the industry has failed to keep up with the evolving needs and expectations of its customers. Outdated processes and a lack of emphasis on customer satisfaction have made renting a frustrating experience for landlords and renters alike.

Moreover, the traditional letting industry is notoriously expensive. High fees and hidden costs often lead to more expensive rents. This lack of transparency further exacerbates the problem. With little visibility into the process, tenants are left feeling uncertain and vulnerable, while landlords are often unsure of where they are maximising their assets.

Furthermore, the industry has been marred by bad practices and a lack of transparency. Dishonest agents, incomplete information, and convoluted contracts have eroded trust among both tenants and landlords. This has created a pressing need for a transformative solution that brings transparency and fairness to the forefront.

Using tech to transform

Home Made has emerged as the solution to the stagnation and problems plaguing the letting industry. By fully digitizing the customer journey, Home Made has streamlined and simplified the renting process. The company’s innovative platform, Property Wallet, empowers customers with complete transparency throughout the entire rental journey.

Through Property Wallet, landlords can easily access their property listings, they offers, and communicate with landlords or agents. This digital approach eliminates the need for endless paperwork, enabling a seamless and efficient experience. Additionally, Home Made has introduced the concept of online viewings, allowing potential renters to virtually tour properties from the comfort of their homes. This ground-breaking feature saves time and effort, making the search for a new home more convenient than ever.

In a market saturated with over 20,000 traditional high-street agencies, Home Made stands out as a hybrid model that disrupts the status quo. By combining online services with in-person viewings, the company caters to the needs of ‘Generation Rent’ while offering services at significantly lower costs compared to traditional agencies. The savings range from 50% to an impressive 90%, providing a breath of fresh air for both tenants and landlords.

The future is here

Home Made is leading the charge in revolutionizing the letting industry through the power of technology. By addressing the long-standing problems of customer dissatisfaction, high costs, lack of transparency, and outdated practices, the company is reshaping the rental experience for the better. Through their digitized customer journey and Property Wallet platform, Home Made has brought transparency, convenience, and affordability to the forefront, making renting homes a smoother, safer, and fairer process.

With Home Made’s innovative approach, it is evident that technology holds the key to transforming the letting industry. As the company continues on its mission to ‘fix renting for good. Forever,’ it sets a precedent for other players in the industry to embrace innovation and prioritize the needs of their customers. The era of archaic letting practices is coming to an end, and Home Made is leading the way towards a future where renting is efficient, transparent, and customer-centric.

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