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Boaz Grinvald: Exploring the Power of AI

Boaz Grinvald | Founder | Revuze

Founded in 2013, Revuze’s AI-powered solution helps product companies in any industry starting, from electronics to personal care, home appliances to consumer packaged goods, and monitor the e-commerce market, identify emerging trends, and assess products’ strengths and weaknesses. Led by its CEO Boaz Grinvald, Revuze’s technology enables text feedback analysis without requiring user training, predefining topics, creating training sets, or using keywords. This approach allows for a comprehensive, objective, and highly precise evaluation of over 60 product features and service-related topics. As a result, Revuze offers valuable insights into products across more than 200 diverse industries.

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Boaz and discuss how Revuze is assisting its clients in obtaining valuable, competitive insights on their product experience.

Below are the highlights of the interview.

     1. Q) Can we have a brief background on your professional journey? What was your journey like to get where you are?

Boaz) I fell in love with building technology startups early in my career…the ability to build something out of nothing, bring innovation to the world and deliver value that is missing was fascinating to me. I feel fortunate to have built several such companies to date, all with substantial revenue and global customers and in different industries. It feels like this was all in preparation for the huge opportunity of Revuze – where now I can exercise all of my experience to bridge the growing understanding gap between consumers and brands.

     2. Q) Talk about Revuze and how it is helping clients with its innovative services.

Boaz) Revuze is helping brands keep up with the speeds of today’s world. We are answering a huge challenge for brands – where in a world that is spinning so fast these days (globalization, d2c, eCommerce) and where consumers are educated differently online on a daily basis, brands can’t keep up with what is going on.

It is such a dynamic environment – competitors, new products, trends, change of tastes, global landscape…that to keep up with it, every operational role in brands needs daily intelligence to support decisions on things such as product evolution/innovation, marketing messages and strategy, e-commerce optimization and more.

However, getting to such intelligence today requires analysts and experts to work with technologies or to perform manual research to get to these answers via polls, interviews, field tests or focus groups, etc., and this doesn’t lend itself to the speed or wide use required by brands across the board. In fact, the common scenario for brands is that they understand where they are falling short months and months after the fact, which is why, for example, most new consumer products fail.

Revuze is the 1st to bridge this growing gap with its unique AI technology, providing self-service solutions for every role in brands that deliver actionable intelligence 24×7 without the need for experts in the loop.

     3.Q) What makes Revuze stand out in the industry?

Boaz) Revuze offers brands the holy grail of agility at a low cost of ownership. This is the 1st real automation of consumer research end to end, from opinion collection to ready business answers in a package that anyone can use. The secret sauce of Revuze lies in a unique AI technology that leverages the billions of online consumer opinions out there that are unbiased and unsolicited and show up like mushrooms on every retail, e-commerce, and brand website. This way, Revuze connects every operational role in brands with consumer buying drivers, wants, and needs in real-time. With this level of agility, brands save on unneeded traditional research, outsourcing, and other types of field tests and feedback mechanisms.

On top of that, brands obviously can layer internal feedback sources as well, so they get a one-stop shop for understanding their customers as well as competitors’ customers.

     4. Q) What is the change you are bringing with your brand today?

Boaz) The Revuze automation delivers ready, actionable business intelligence in real-time to support daily decisions for the masses of operational roles in brands. Imagine an entire organization leveraging consumer buying drivers intelligence in Marketing, Product, eCommerce, Innovation, R&D, Strategy, and more…Leveraging granular data that one can act on without any help or training. This is true democratization as well as a huge leap forward in agility for brands. Imagine the impact of augmenting centralized analytics with intelligence where every role can get their own in support of their needs 24×7.

     5. Q) How do you motivate creativity and innovation while maintaining a healthy work environment?

Boaz) We have taken an enormous task on our hands, accurately reflecting consumer purchase drivers for brands in an easy and self-service solution anyone can use. Once you start with a huge goal, creativity and innovation are given, and you need bright and purpose-driven individuals with you… it’s obviously challenging as well, but we balance it with fun daily activities from team lunches to celebrating holidays together to getting on global company catch-ups online to maintaining break areas in our offices. At the end of the day, people that sign up for a cause want to be challenged but want to feel they are valued and visible.

     6. Q) What is your vision for Revuze? And what would be the best roadmap to achieve that?

Boaz) Our vision is to help all-size brands better service consumers, so there is no more understanding gap. Full democratization of consumer intelligence – not only technology that just large and well-equipped organizations can leverage, but leveling the playing field for everyone in any country and industry. Due to the proprietary Revuze AI automation, we deliver our customers a completely hands-off experience onboarding and owning Revuze. In our roadmap, we aim to package our AI with more applications that deliver value for specific needs, such as Marketing Messaging or New Product Launch planning and tracking. This way, we can cater to both generalists and specialists across a wide range of organizations.

     7. Q) What are you looking to accomplish in the next 5 years from a personal as well as professional point of view?

Boaz) Obviously, in my line of work, balancing family and work is both key and challenging. My family is a source of strength and joy; without it, I wouldn’t be able to take on the challenge and opportunity that Revuze brings. I want to build Revuze to deliver on its promise and take it public and have it be recognized as the world leader in consumer intelligence but do it while still being there for my family.

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