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James Phipps : A Revolution in Cloud Computing Led by the Zealous Leader

James Phipps | cooperate leader | Cxo Inc Magazine

The Inc Magazine is well known for its special editions that focus exclusively on recognising some exceptional businesses and their leaders. And here we are with the most recent issue of the month, in which we have outlined the career of James Phipps BeCloud, a successful and dynamic corporate leader .

The innovative entrepreneur, James Phipps has worked in IT for more than 25 years, and during that time, his love of technology and his ability to solve problems have only grown. The innovative leader is able to constantly push the limits of what can be created using cutting-edge cloudbased tools from Amazon Web Services because he is the owner of Becloud LLC, a business that provides technology-managed services.

Since childhood, James has been fascinated by technology and problem-solving. He used to take things apart at home to understand how they worked and create batteries out of copper pennies. This love for technology and problemsolving continued throughout his life and eventually led him to pursue a career in IT. In college, he participated in groundbreaking research that exposed him to the potential of technology .

James began his career as a Microsoft Certified Solutions Engineer after graduating from college, and as he continued to learn and develop his talents, he eventually attained the title of Amazon Web Services Certified Developer.

My goal is not just to solve problems for Mississippians but for customers around the globe. To achieve this, I am devoted to lifelong learning and to establishing challenging objectives for both my team and myself in order to accomplish this,“, said the magnificent man.

BeCloud: Empowering Businesses to Accomplish Their Tech Goals

Becloud LLC, a managed services provider, has changed in order to assist businesses in achieving their technological objectives and taking advantage of the most recent developments in cloud-based technologies. They used to just provide on-premise data centre solutions. However, they have changed their business strategy to focus on public cloud services like Microsoft Office 365, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure. They give the clients more freedom, accessibility, and security by doing this.

The diverse team at BeCloud is dedicated to delivering innovative and effective solutions that meet the unique needs of each of its clients. They are all lifelong learners who share the goal of helping clients deploy cutting-edge technologies so that their business operations can be carried out effectively and securely. Whether it’s through cloud consulting or advice on how to best utilise technology, we are committed to being our customers’ trusted IT experts.

Recently, BeCloud has completed several major projects, such as building a serverless car tag calculator app utilising AWS DynamoDB, API Gateway, Lambda, and S3 services. Also, they moved an EHR application from a legacy blade server to Amazon Web Services, which improved the program’s speed by 90%. Also, they built a unique client intake and case site hosted on AWS for a non-profit organisation using the Odoo framework, eliminating the need for paper intake procedures.

What Distinguishes BeCloud: The Key Differentiating Factors

There are several factors that make Becloud LLC stands out among its competitors:

Redefining cross-border commerce with BeCloud

Big data and machine learning are being used by one of Becloud LLC’s largest clients to generate breakthrough insights that will help their customers in formulating plans, answering important planning and operational concerns, and assessing results. Their client needs a dependable and secure IT infrastructure to manage and monitor their assets because they have data partners in 14 different nations.

Becloud LLC is in the position of overseeing and keeping an eye on this client’s IT resources and providing the infrastructure and support needed to enable big data analytics for their client’s customers all over the world. For the big data requirements of the clients, they offer a safe and scalable infrastructure thanks to their expertise in cloud-based, hybrid, and on-premises technologies. Furthermore, because of their dedication to ongoing learning and innovation, the customers are always at the forefront of the most recent advancements in big data and machine learning.

Challenges on the Road to Success

The rapid advancement of technology is one of the biggest problems the sector is currently facing. Businesses must be able to adapt quickly in order to stay competitive as new technologies are developed and existing ones change. This requires a significant investment in resources and a commitment to continuous learning and development The increasing concern about data security and privacy is another difficulty. Companies need to ensure they have strong security measures in place to secure sensitive information given the growing amount of data being generated and exchanged. They also have to follow constantly evolving rules around data security and privacy.

Overcoming the Pandemic Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has also caused problems for many firms’ supply chains with the difficulties of remote work and the rising demand for cloud-based solutions. For instance, the unexpected increase in demand for web cameras, laptops, and computers as a result of the transition to remote work has hampered the supply chain and extended delivery times.

Becloud has been able to overcome these obstacles by collaborating closely with customers and vendors to develop solutions and adapt to an evolving environment. By utilising their knowledge of cloud-based technologies, they were able to offer their clients alternatives to conventional hardware-based technologies, such as virtual desktop solutions.

James’s Take on Gender Pay Gaps

Gender wage inequalities are a serious issue that needs attention. We must make every effort to close the pay gap between men and women for comparable work because it is unacceptable. We at Becloud LLC are dedicated to advancing fairness and equality in the workplace. Regardless of gender, we think that everyone should be paid according to their abilities, accomplishments, and achievements. We have put in place initiatives and policies to support diversity and inclusion, and we constantly assess our pay practises making sure they are just and equal.

Future Outlook: Building a Culture of Excellence, Collaboration, and Learning

BeCloud plans to continue investing in the team and building a culture of excellence, collaboration, and continuous learning. James is excited to lead Becloud LLC’s high and rapid growth over the next five years. His objective is to significantly increase the company’s clientele and reach while upholding the team’s dedication to providing cutting-edge solutions that are tailored to each client’s specific requirements.

From a personal standpoint, I want to continue developing over the next five years—both personally and professionally. In addition to continuing to pursue my passion for problem-solving and innovation, I want to concentrate on increasing my knowledge and expertise in cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning“, shared the visionary leader.

Parting Words by Jame Phipps

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