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Keith Sedlak: Driving Innovation in Healthcare Marketing

Keith Sedlak | CCO | Health Monitor Network | CXO Inc Magazine

Meet Keith Sedlak, the Chief Commercial Officer of Health Monitor Network®, a leading targeted healthcare marketing platform company and a founding member of the Point of Care Marketing Association (POCMA). During his tenure, Keith has brought transformative digital innovation and creative omnichannel strategies to the business to help cultivate brand recognition and empower patients.

Before joining Health Monitor in 2021, Keith successfully built and led high-powered growth and efficient operations teams while responsibly managing and optimizing P&Ls to year-over-year growth. Keith has led many successful agency integrations, creating a powerful new agency partner for clients each time. Some standout experiences include holding key C-Suite and leadership roles at Meredith Corporation/Meredith Xcelerated Marketing, McMURRAY/TMG, LLC, Manifest LLC, and Harte Hanks.

Starting his career in traditional advertising at The Wall Street Journal, Keith transitioned to digital advertising during the dotcom boom, working with companies like Alta Vista and Lycos. As a result, when he moved to Meredith Integrated Marketing, he already knew how to help clients understand and incorporate various marketing techniques into strategic programs, achieving measurable results.

“At Meredith, I introduced cross-platform strategies to clients like Kraft, Lowe’s, Chrysler and State Farm, helping to grow the agency from several dozen employees to 700. By the time I left, the rebranded Meredith Xcelerated Marketing was one of the hottest marketing shops in the business, “he explains.

Keith also had a profound impact at TMG Custom Media in 2012. His involvement in a merger with content marketing rival McMurry led to the inception of the largest independent content marketing agency in the United States.

Keith’s Approach to Leadership and Team Management

Success always depends on assembling the right team and shared commitment to the company’s objectives. This principle is not only limited to the healthcare sector; it is fundamental to success across industries. Keith firmly believes effective leadership needs agility and a team-oriented mindset built on trust and empowerment. Once he has the right team who is aligned with the mission and understands its significance, achieving success becomes easy.

At Health Monitor, Keith has cultivated a team driven by passion and empowered by a solution-oriented approach, and the results speak for themselves, nearly doubling the top line revenue in less than 3 years, highlighting the power of Keith and his team’s collective effort and commitment to excellence.

Changing Healthcare Trends

Keith foresees significant changes in the healthcare sector within the next three to five years. Some notable trends he’s anticipating include:

Reaching Healthcare Professionals and Patients Effectively

In today’s landscape of media fragmentation, it is imperative to craft a content strategy that encompasses all media channels and is tailored to specific audience segments. Keith and his team at Health Monitor deeply understand the patient journey and recognize the pivotal role of patient education throughout. Equally crucial is comprehending the habits of healthcare professionals (HCPs) and their content consumption patterns.

Over 25% of HCPs are millennials, so their content consumption varies across digital platforms, especially on social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others. Neglecting to reach both HCPs and patients at all Points of Care, including channels beyond the physician’s office, is a recipe for disaster.

Recognizing this trend, Health Monitor launched its HCP Omnichannel Platform solution, enabling HCP engagement across print, email, digital, and social media channels. By ensuring a consistent message across its extensive network, Health Monitor delivers substantial ROI success for brands.

The Pioneer in Point-of-Care Marketing

As the industry pioneer for over 40 years, Health Monitor continues to push itself daily, thinking of new ways to amplify its content. Health Monitor is a content company at its soul and looks for ways to provide access to this valuable educational content that makes a difference in healthcare every day.

The organization’s legacy of innovation spans decades, starting with the first patient guide in the early 1980s and building the largest Point of Care (POC) network with its products. Nearly a decade ago, it introduced the first digital exam room screen in a physician’s office, pioneering digital solutions for patient engagement. It has also developed content solutions for healthcare professionals, creating one of the very few POC platforms that seamlessly connects HCPs and patients with constant messaging.

Keith’s commitment to innovation is evident in Health Monitor’s recent success, including the HCP Omnichannel Platform, designed to enhance engagement across multiple channels. Additionally, the firm’s “At-Home” patient database solution and the activation of the HCPTv™ back-office screen network exemplify the company’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation in Point of Care every day. Through its relentless pursuit of innovation, Health Monitor continues to lead the way in transforming healthcare delivery and improving patient outcomes.

Tackling Health Disparities

Health Monitor is now funding a first-of-its-kind Health Equity Patient Education Study led by Julius Wilder, MD, PhD, a Health Equity and Diversity champion at Duke University School of Medicine.

The primary goal is identifying the most effective methods and communication infrastructures for reaching underserved communities with vital health information. This three-year study addresses health disparities by examining how diverse populations respond to patient education tactics like print, digital, and video.

Low health literacy plays a significant role in health outcomes, and important health information often fails to reach or resonate with marginalized communities. This study is a crucial step towards bridging that gap and ensuring equitable access to healthcare for all. This initiative is core to Health Monitor’s mission of empowering ALL patients for better health outcomes while amplifying the brands that help them with healing therapies.

Capitalizing on Biggest Opportunities

Keith believes there is a tremendous amount of white space in the sector. Less than 30% of physician offices in the US have exam-room screens. HCPs are rapidly becoming younger, forcing marketers to embrace all digital platforms, like podcasts, HCPTv, social media, etc., faster. Data is and continues to be a tremendous asset to leverage to connect patients and physicians at ALL points of care. Those who can provide value with content and education will deepen the relationships, resulting in more trust and the ability to be more relevant. All areas that Health Monitor is focusing on to maintain its leadership position across the sector. The industry is more open to change than ever, and the only challenge Keith sees is for those companies that cannot move quickly enough to meet the patient’s needs and influence better health outcomes.

Suggestion for Younger Self

Keith advises aspiring professionals considering a career in the healthcare sector by saying: “Anytime you have the opportunity to work in an industry that matters and can make a difference, go for it. It’s fulfilling and gives you a sense of purpose every day. There will be no shortage of change and the need to adapt, but that makes it fun and innovative. From the business side, the industry is experiencing rapid change and is becoming more open to trying new things from a marketing standpoint. Innovation is embraced now more than ever, and helping big pharma evolve is rewarding.”

Picture of Future

Health Monitor’s vision is to continue to provide world-class content to patients and HCPs across all channels, resulting in better health outcomes. This will be accomplished in four different ways, including:



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