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NetApp’s 2024 Cloud Complexity Report Reveals AI Disrupt or Die Era Unfolding Globally

NetApp’s 2024 Cloud Complexity Report Reveals AI Disrupt or Die Era Unfolding Globally

Study highlights the divide between AI leaders and AI laggards illustrating value of unified data approach

Dubai, UAE – May 6, 2024 – NetApp® (NASDAQ: NTAP), the intelligent data infrastructure company, today released its second annual Cloud Complexity Report. The report looks at the experiences of global technology decision makers deploying AI at scale and shows a stark contrast between AI leaders and AI laggards. This year’s report provides global insights into progress, readiness, challenges, and momentum since last year’s report, what we can learn from both the AI leaders and AI laggards, and the critical role of a unified data infrastructure in achieving AI success.

“AI is only as good as the data that fuels it,” said Pravjit Tiwana, General Manager and Senior Vice President of Cloud Storage at NetApp. “Both the AI leaders and AI laggards show us that in the prevailing hybrid IT environment, the more unified and reliable your data, the more likely your AI initiatives are to be successful.”

There is a Significant Divide Between AI Leaders and AI Laggards

The report found a clear divide between AI leaders and AI laggards across several areas including:

Regions: 60% of AI-leading countries (India, Singapore, UK, USA) have AI projects up and running or in pilot, in stark contrast to 36% in AI-lagging countries (Spain, Australia/New Zealand, Germany, Japan).

Both AI leaders and AI laggards show a difference in their approach to AI:

“The rise of AI is ushering in a new disrupt-or-die era,” said Gabie Boko, Chief Marketing Officer at NetApp. “Data-ready enterprises that connect and unify broad structured and unstructured data sets into an intelligent data infrastructure are best positioned to win in the age of AI.”

AI Laggards Must Swiftly Innovate to Stay Competitive

Despite the divide, there is notable progress among AI laggards in preparing their IT environments for AI, but the window to catch up is closing rapidly.

IT Costs and Data Security Emerge as Top Challenges but Won’t Impede AI Progress

Rising IT costs and ensuring data security are the two of the biggest challenges in the AI era, but they will not block AI progress. Instead, AI leaders will scale back, cut other IT operations, or reallocate costs from other parts of the business to fund AI initiatives.

Security, AI, and CloudOps Drive 2024 Cloud Investments

As global companies, whether AI leaders or AI laggards, increase investments, they are relying on the cloud to support their goals.

To learn more and access the full report and infographic, visit


In March 2024, market research firm Savanta fielded a quantitative study, on behalf of NetApp, of 1,300 IT executives from key markets across the world including US, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Australia/New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, and India.

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