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8 AI trends to know about in 2022

AI trends

Artificial Intelligence and data science come among the technologies with significant value in the future. An IEEE Survey states that 95% of tech leaders agree that AI is vital for progress. They believe that AI has the potential to drive major innovations across industries. It seems that AI will shift from experimental space to essential in 2022. We can expect larger consumer engagement with AI-based models in the coming years. Hence technology can become strategically important and mission-critical.

The article shares a brief definition of AI. Also, it takes you through the top 8 AI trends in 2022.

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)? 

The father of artificial intelligence, John McCarthy coined the term in 1956. Marvin Minsky partnered in exploring the technology as well. AI refers to a machine’s ability to perform tasks that generally humans do. The AI system showcases abilities to reason, generalize, learn from experience, and discover meanings. It can perform all these tasks without the interference of humans. You can find a verified artificial intelligence ppt to learn more about the technology.

Let us explore AI popular trends for 2022:

Adoption of the modern data pipeline

The majority of businesses are new to AI technologies. Hence, they spend most of their time and effort on wrangling data. Thus, the significance of building modern data pipelines increases.

The majority of AI models seek enormous data to operate. Hence, businesses need to establish flexible Data pipelines. These pipelines can evolve for supporting thousands of incorporated unstructured and structured data sources. This way, AI will extract insights in a more reliable and meaningful way for data scientists.

Enhanced RPA efforts from automated process discovery 

The new process discovery technologies can help business leaders to visualize their business’s automation potential. AI models can deliver task-related insights that wouldn’t be possible from any other means. This gives the business an autonomous way of building an RPA ( Robotic Process Automation) pipeline.

Creative AI

Models like Google’s Brain redefine and GPT-3 can exceed AI potential in creative arts. We can expect a more natural and creative output from AI-creative tools. Until now, AI-based creations were in use only for experiments and demonstrations. But, in 2022, these are set up to be applied in routine creative tasks. Creative artificial intelligence examples include engaging headline creation for newsletters and articles. Other examples are automated logos and infographic designs. Creativity is generally perceived as a human skill. But, AI has enabled machines to develop these capabilities as well. This advancement will show what real intelligence a machine can show.

AI-based supply chains

The industries are planning to establish digitized logistics, manufacturing, and supply chains in the coming years. Smart supply chain apps need to become mandatory to attain the goal. Many artificial intelligence examples showcase advancements in supply chain management. For example, smart packaging, parcel live tracking, AI and GPS featuring shipping trucks, etc.

Wide adoption of customer-facing AI tools

During the pandemic, customer-facing AI tools got a great engagement boost. In fact, there was an increase in the adoption of virtual agents. However, till now, these tools have been in use for simple base-level tasks. Some of them include giving basic guidance to users. But now we can expect AI-tool usage for more complex use cases. More maturity in the design and development of customer-facing tools is expected.

When it comes to virtual assistance, then businesses may actively invest in its implementation. It is because VA can save businesses approximately 78% of operating costs.

Natural Language Generation (NLG) can go mainstream

NGL is considered to be a better and bigger language modeling. The process of language modeling enables machines and robots to understand and interact with human language. Not only this, it converts human languages to computer code as well. It further helps the system run apps and programs as per humans’ needs.

The recent launch of OpenAI’s GPT-3 seems to aid NGL in getting mainstream. It is the largest and most advanced language model available. It consists of 175 billion data points and variables machines can leverage to process language.

The company is planning to work on GPT-4, a more efficient language model. As per estimates, GPT-4 can contain around 100 trillion parameters. This count is 500 times bigger in comparison to the GPT-3 model.

The aim is to generate language and hold communications that are similar to human language.

More competition for AI experts

The AI landscape tends to advance in a rapid manner. Due to this, IT organizations need to implement effective talent management in place. Hence, the need for world-class recruiting and employee retention initiatives will see a rise. Further, the practice will be helpful in promoting a lifelong learning culture in the workplace. The market can become highly competitive for AI professionals. The trend has the potential to continue in the future as well.

AI can transform the productivity of the IT sector

The future IT environment will get more powerful and complex. And, handling such a rapidly shifting sector can get overwhelming for human tech pros. In addition to this, CIOs might find it challenging to manage modern systems. Therefore, AI seems to be a perfect solution to maintain the productivity of the workplace. Depending on only human professionals might cause increased blunders and errors in processes. AI-enabled systems can perform deep analysis, observability, and intervention much more easily and accurately. Thus, AI adoption in the IT sector can significantly improve productivity.

Wrap up

AI is reshaping our lives with its continuous evolution. With each progressing year, we come across many AI market trends. However, only a few of them grow through time. These transformations are making our day-to-day activities easier. Thus, we can expect a more convenient future for younger generations. 2022 is bringing more advancements in AI-based tools to boost efficiency and accessibility. The surge in technologies will have a long-term effect on businesses and individuals.

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