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Jane Stevensen: Woman Behind JS Global Advisory Resolving Environmental Issues

Jane Stevensen | Founding Director | JS Global Advisory

JS Global Advisory

Finding the path to motivation and purpose is uniquely carved by every individual. Jane Stevensen, Founding Director of JS Global Advisory, is leading by example as an inspirational woman leader with over 20 years of experience advising businesses on sustainability strategy and practice. She is an expert in the creation of global engagement programmes to achieve consensus and drive visionary change.

Understanding the need for robust solutions for fragile ecosystems with enormous environmental challenges, Jane established JS Global in 2018 after holding senior executive roles in both corporate and  not-for-profit organizations .

JS Global

Brings together an industry-leading team of advisors in climate-related policy & regulation, sustainability strategy, and practical ways of enhancing ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance – performance. Experienced in working across sectors, with particular expertise in oil & gas, shipping, mining & metals, and financial services, they have deep understanding of the new technical, regulatory, commercial and digitalisation challenges confronting Boards, CEOs and executive management teams.

Prior to setting up  JS Global, Jane led Grant Thornton LLP’s Sustainability Advisory Practice, is a former Managing Director of the highly influential Climate Disclosure Standards Board, was Chair of the Oil & Gas Advisory Group at CDP – the global climate information disclosure specialists (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project) – and headed CDP’s engagement with the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (or TCFD) set up by Mark Carney, ex-Governor of the Bank of England and now the UN Special Envoy on Climate and Finance. She has advised the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative and the UK-City of London Green Finance Initiative.

Jane began her career in the Oil & Gas industry – as an exploration geologist, her working environment encompassed the oil rigs of the North Sea, the rare Jarrah Forest of Western Australia, the rainforest of Papua New Guinea, the Apennine Mountain home of the European Brown bear and the cities of London, Milan, and Paris.

Many of these places comprised fragile ecosystems. With enormous environmental challenges, and indirectly led Jane to ultimately setting up her own business. With an early understanding that the planet was a stakeholder. In all operational activity and a belief that business has the potential to be a real force for good, Jane’s journey has brought her to where she is today, advising global companies. On environmental risk and opportunity, governance, climate strategy and across the whole spectrum of ESG.

More about the Company and its Distinct Offerings

JS Global works across sectors and brings particular knowledge, insight, expertise, and understanding of the natural resources. And energy industries – often called the “hard-to-abate” sectors. Their bespoke approach to sustainability consulting and climate change strategy and engagement is built on a unique understanding of the diverse perspectives. That influence the way governments, businesses and financial market participants address. The mega-trends affecting our planet and society.

The key areas JS advisory work encompasses consist of:

Engagement programmes – the company specialises in the design and delivery of engagement programmes to bring together key influencers. With often conflicting viewpoints to catalyse real change.

Sustainability strategy – JS Global helps clients address key issues related to sustainability strategy. Environmental and social impact across operations, stakeholder engagement, sustainability-related growth, and cost opportunities, and understand the reputational implications.

TCFD Advisory – the recommendations of the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (the TCFD). Provide a vital catalyst to enable companies to achieve climate-related targets. In line with the Paris Agreement, and in particular map out a route to Net Zero carbon.

ESG services – Environmental, Social and Governance – ESG – criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations. That socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. JS Global works with businesses to support them in the development of ESG policy and strategy and strengthen understanding of the rapidly evolving regulatory environment.

Clientele & Corporate Ethos 

The JSG clientele ranges from global FTSE 250 companies to small independents. Climate change and the need for a sustainable business strategy affect every business and everyone in it. They all receive the same care and attention to ensure that each consulting project is bespoke, tailored to their objectives. Above all the team builds relationships, and their clients trust them.

Major Impacts of Covid-19

Covid-19 brought the whole world to a standstill, and some clients were unable to continue with the advisory work they had commissioned. The philosophy of JS Global is to engage with the clients. And build trust to give the team the confidence that once the crisis abates. They will be back, and that is already proving to be true. The practical implications of the pandemic. For the business have meant travelling to clients’ premises and working alongside them. Has stopped completely and they have all had to work from home. So building those relationships has meant working much harder as it’s all had to be done over Zoom and Teams!

From the Founding Director’s Desk

“Having started my career in the Oil industry, being the lone woman is something I’m very used to! Once you’ve been in charge of an oil drilling rig in the North Sea or remote Western Australia there’s not much that phases you”, asserted Jane while discussing her biggest challenges as a woman entrepreneur.

Jane’s Approach towards Entrepreneurship

The sheer unpredictability of the business world is something that fascinates Jane the most!

Jane’s style is collaborative, thoughtful, she likes to listen to all the viewpoints, and determine the facts. She is able to draw on a whole career in business and industry, has run multidisciplinary teams around the world, and worked in difficult and dangerous environments where it was essential to be able to think on your feet and anticipate multiple outcomes. She has also spent time as Managing Director of a highly influential global climate NGO and sat on the Boards of charities as well as commercial entities. Furthermore, she has a wealth of experience to draw on, and as an entrepreneur she is able to deal with whatever comes up – the key is always to expect the unexpected.

A Day in the Life

“I’m an early riser – a lark not an owl, so usually up well before 6.30, cup of English breakfast tea as I stroll around my garden (weather permitting) with my dog. Then I will start the day with the 5 Tibetan Rites, an ancient yoga practice. Then it’s usually time to check the emails, work on client pitches, and respond to requests. During the pandemic with working from home I will have a daily morning Zoom call with my senior business partner. Where we touch base on what’s needed for the day, review new opportunities, discuss the current projects, and generally catch up”, said Jane when asked about her daily routine.

“Lunch is a sandwich, and I will have a break and take my dog for a walk. Then back to it for the afternoon, often with client calls and reviews. I enjoy cooking and dinner is usually around my kitchen table with whoever is at home from my family”. she added. “As the world opens up post-pandemic. I’m looking forward to getting back to the theatre and opera which I love, and supporting the arts again”.

JS Global in the Next Five Years

The foundation of JS Global Advisory was to support businesses in their sustainability journey. Tackling the most pressing issue of the current time – climate change. The vision of JS Global in the next five years. Is to be able to provide the toolkit for businesses, regardless of sector or size, to address both the risks and opportunities of climate change and be part of the global solution. Moreover, they want to be able to inspire organizations to believe they really can do it and radically increase ambition. To achieve much greater targets than they thought possible.

A Piece of Advice

Stay focused, have a target in mind, but don’t be inflexible. Stuff happens along the way, and being too rigid will not help you. Accept help whenever it’s offered – if you can find a mentor you really like who supports but also challenges your thinking that is enormously helpful.

Above all – keep calm and carry on!

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