Personal loans can be essential tools to help you achieve your financial goals, but they aren’t always easy to obtain, especially if you have poor credit or don’t have enough income to prove you can pay them back on time. Thanks to the rise of mobile lending in India, though, you can now apply for personal loans from the convenience of your smartphone! Here are some of the best loan apps in India that can help you get the credit you need faster than ever before!
Apps To Try For Personal Loan
As of now, this is one of the best instant loan apps without salary slips, and it has recently tied up with LazyPay to become one of the best in the industry. Regardless of what kind of work you’re looking for, you can obtain personal loans amounting between INR 5,000 and INR 5,00,000, and you won’t have to wait for approval for long. There’s no need to bother about a long waiting period because this application is designed to review requests within minutes.
The best part of this app is…? They provide a document-delivery option that eliminates the need to hire a courier, which takes time and creates a bit of a hassle. They also offer an assortment of affordable, low-EMI options that can help make it much easier to make payments on your loan. You don’t have to worry about your second loan since the documents have been provided earlier. All these features make this the best loan app available in India.
- Per month Interest – 1.08 – 2.33%
- Highest Approval Amount – INR 5 Lakhs
- Minimum Loan Amount – INR 5 Thousand
- Required Documents – Identity Proof, Address Proof, Income Proof & Photograph
- Features – Low-Interest rates, the loan without collateral, No credit score, Flexible for users, Quick approvals, Easy documentation.
2. MoneyTap
This is one of the fastest loan apps in India. It’s easy to download and then get an easy loan. The app first needs to be downloaded, and then users must create an account on the same website. So, after you’ve filled out the KYC paperwork and awaited final approval, you’ll be given an instant credit up to the limit of your approved credit limit, with which you can purchase a variety of things: daily essentials, indulgences, travel, and more.
The satisfactory part is that you don’t have to wait long or have a long process of filling out paperwork. It’s one of India’s most efficient loan apps, and many people use it because of this.
- Per month Interest – 1.08 – 2.3%
- Highest Approval Amount – INR 5 Lakhs
- Minimum Loan Amount – INR 3 Thousand
- Required Documents – Identity Proof, Address Proof, Income Proof, Selfie, PAN card, Bank Statements, Credit Card Statements, Rental Agreements.
- Features – 100% paperless online process, pay interest for only borrowed money, Flexible EMI tenure from 2 months to 36. No Collateral, Approval in 4 minutes, Secured interface, Varied interest rate.
3. Dhani
It was first a drugstore, but it has expanded to include lending services. It is one of the beneficial personal loan applications. Many outstation students depend on it to make ends meet while working part-time. You can get an instant of up to INR 5,00,000, with an affordable interest rate and a handy payment plan. Every transaction earns you 2% cashback, which you can spend for future purchases and services.
That’s why this is the best instant loan app without having to submit salary slips. All you need is the help of Dhani, and you get a lifetime cashback card and the ability to receive a credit line of up to INR 5,00,000 with a 90-day repayment scheme.
- Per month Interest – 1 – 3.17 %
- Highest Approval Amount – INR 5 Lakhs
- Minimum Loan Amount – INR 1 Thousand
- Required Documents – Address Proof, PAN Card, Bank Details
- Features – Instant money with low-interest rates, No processing fee, Unlimited access to doctors, Free Dhani card, 24*7 customer support, and Exciting cashback.
4. Nira
Nira Finance is quick to approve people, and therefore this instant personal loan app is one of the best for higher amount loans. With just a simple registration, you can obtain your loan quickly. Furthermore, you can set up automatic payments and even credits to your account. You are just required to download Nira and install it to get an Instant Loan. You can register yourself, upload documents, and link a bank account. It will estimate your credit score and instantly grant you a loan without any fee. You can receive a loan worth up to 500,000 rupees, and the interest rate ranges from 1.5 to 2.5% (monthly), depending on your credit score. You can also request a credit extension, making this the fastest instant loan app.
- Per month Interest – 1.5 – 2.5 %
- Highest Approval Amount – INR 5 Lakhs
- Minimum Loan Amount – INR 3 Thousand
- Required Documents – Recent three months payslips and bank statements, Photograph, PAN Card, Address Proof, Identity Proof
- Features – Low-interest rates, Quick approval & disbursal, Flexible schedule, easy repayment, supportive customer service.
5. CASHe
CASHe has a reputation for being the best personal loan app out there, and you can tell that it puts a lot of effort into the UX and UI it offers for the app. You can sign up and login effortlessly to the app, and once you’re in the dashboard, you’ll have all the required information to apply for a fast loan. Many loan options offer loans of INR 500,000 and varying interest rates & repayment terms. You can also deposit into the associated bank account. You’ll no longer need to make repeated visits to the interface to make loan interest payments. Moreover, Buy Now Pay Later offers are available with partnerships with Flipkart, Amazon, Big Basket, etc. At the same time, the choice to insure your debts with a chosen policy is also an option.
- Per month Interest – Begins from 1.75%
- Highest Approval Amount – INR 5 Lakhs
- Minimum Loan Amount – INR 5 Thousand
- Required Documents – Identity Proof, Income Proof, Address Proof.
- Features – 100% online application process, Privacy and security, User friendly, 24/7 customer support, Basic documentation.